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California Motorcycle Accident Statistics and Trends 2025

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California has a rich history as a hub for motorcycling — it boasts the highest number of motorcyclists of any state, with over 900,000 registered bikes. However, this popularity comes with a stark reality: California consistently ranks among the states with the highest number of motorcycle-related deaths, with nearly 10% of all U.S. motorcyclist fatalities.

Our experienced motorcycle accident lawyers at Cohen & Marzban delve into the latest California motorcycle accident statistics, shedding light on the realities riders confront.

California Motorcycle Accidents Overview

Motorcycle accidents in Los Angeles, California, are a serious concern for the city. The sobering statistics reveal a significant number of fatal accidents involving motorcycles.

While detailed information for California is not available, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that 5,932 motorcycle riders were killed nationwide in 2021. This was an increase of 8% from 5,506 in 2020.

Motorcyclists accounted for 14% of all traffic fatalities in 2021. The vast majority of motorcycle fatalities — 95% — were operators, and 5% were passengers.

An estimated 82,686 motorcycle riders were injured in 2021, a 5% increase from the 78,944 motorcyclists injured in 2020.

Here are some statistics about fatal crashes involving motorcycles in 2021:

  • 36% of motorcycle riders involved in fatal crashes did not have valid motorcycle licenses.
  • Motorcyclists were more likely to be alcohol-impaired than operators of other types of vehicles (28% of motorcyclists versus 24% of passenger car drivers and 3% of large truck operators).
  • One-third of motorcycle riders who died in single-vehicle crashes were alcohol-impaired
  • Motorcycle riders killed in traffic crashes at night were three times more likely to be alcohol-impaired than those killed during the day.
  • 55% of motorcyclists killed in crashes in states without helmet laws were not wearing helmets.

Motorcyclist Fatality Rates 2012–2021

Year Killed Registered Vehicles Fatality Rate per 100,000 Registered Vehicles
2012 4,986 8,454,939 58.97
2013 4,692 8,404,687 55.83
2014 4,594 8,417,718 54.58
2015 5,029 8,600,936 58.47
2016 5,337 8,679,380 61.49
2017 5,226 8,664,108 60.32
2018 5,038 8,659,741 58.18
2019 5,044 8,596,314 58.68
2020 5,506 8,347,435 65.96
2021 5,932 9,881,414 60.03

Motorcyclist Injury Rates 2012–2021

Year Injured Registered Vehicles Injury Rate per 100,000 Registered Vehicles
2012 93,251 8,454,939 1,103
2013 88,760 8,404,687 1,056
2014 91,987 8,417,718 1,093
2015 88,738 8,600,936 1,032
2016 104,442 8,679,380 1,203
2017 88,592 8,664,108 1,023
2018 81,859 8,659,741 945
2019 83,814 8,596,314 975
2020 78,944 8,347,435 946
2021 82,686 9,881,414 837

Car vs. Motorcycle Accident Rates

Comparing the difference in accident rates between motorcycles and cars can offer valuable insights into road safety trends. When we look into factors such as fatality and injury rates per registered vehicle or per vehicle mile traveled (VMT), we can better understand the unique risks faced by motorcyclists on the road.

The NHTSA reports that motorcycles made up just 3.5% of registered vehicles in the United States in 2021 — but motorcyclists accounted for 14% of all traffic fatalities. The fatality rate per registered vehicle for motorcyclists was nearly five times the fatality rate for passenger car occupants.

Statistics for fatalities per VMT are even more stark. In 2021, the fatality rate per VMT for motorcyclists was almost 24 times the rate for occupants of passenger cars. The motorcyclist injury rate was four times that of passenger car occupants.

Rate Motorcycles Passenger Cars
Fatality Rate Injury Rate Fatality Rate Injury Rate
2020 Per 100,000 Registered Vehicles 65.96 946 11.42 924
Per 100 Million VMT 30.68 440 1.22 99
2021 Per 100,000 Registered Vehicles 60.03 837 12.53 1.027
Per 100 Million VMT 30.20 421 1.26 103

Age Group and Day-of-the-Week Analysis

From 2020 to 2021, the NHTSA reports a noticeable increase in motorcyclist fatalities across various age brackets. The agency also analyzed the timing of fatal crashes.

Here are some points to remember:

  • Fatalities among individuals aged 15 to 20 surged by 35%, rising from 218 to 294.
  • The 40-to-44 age group experienced a 23% increase in fatalities, jumping from 432 to 531.
  • The average age of motorcycle riders killed in traffic crashes remained steady at 43.
  • Roughly half of the motorcyclist fatalities occurred during weekends — a consistent pattern across the two years.
  • While weekend fatalities remained more common, there was a notable 11% increase in motorcyclist fatalities during weekdays, with the number rising from 2,736 to 3,039.
Age Group 2020 2021
Weekday Weekend Total* Weekday Weekend Total*
<15 7 6 13 6 5 11
15-20 119 99 218 179 115 294
21-24 270 219 489 267 204 472
25-29 337 357 695 384 309 693
30-34 330 350 680 363 337 700
35-39 235 251 487 271 296 568
40-44 218 213 432 248 280 531
45-49 223 264 488 264 271 535
50-54 221 281 505 255 296 552
55-59 270 263 534 255 281 537
60-64 202 225 427 219 213 433
65+ 302 231 533 328 270 598
Total* 2,736 2,762 5,506 3,039 2,885 5,932

Primary Collision Factors for Motorcycle Accidents

A clear understanding of the primary collision factors that contribute to motorcycle deaths in California can empower officials to implement targeted safety measures. Statistics provide valuable insights into the root causes of motorcycle collisions, informing strategies that allow the state to mitigate risks and enhance road safety for riders.

The California Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) report provides insights into which types of traffic violations lead to motorcycle accidents, separating the data by region. Speeding was the most common violation in every region, including Los Angeles.

Statewide Redding Sacramento SF/Bay Area Fresno Los Angeles San Diego
Unsafe Speed 29% 27% 28% 31% 24% 29%
Improper Turning 18% 26% 16% 18% 23% 16%
Automobile Right-of-Way 17% 8% 15% 13% 13% 21%
Operating Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs 10% 13% 15% 11% 14% 8%
Unsafe Lane Change 5% 1% 3% 7% 2% 7%

Alcohol Involvement in Fatal Motorcycle Accidents

Alcohol plays a role in many fatal motorcycle crashes in California. The NHTSA provides statistics about the prevalence and impact of alcohol impairment among motorcycle riders. This information can offer insights and enable officials to find ways to prevent intoxicated drivers from harming themselves or other road users:

  • In 2021, 29% of motorcyclists killed in crashes had a BAC of at least 0.08, compared to 26% in 2020.
  • 7% of motorcycle riders killed in 2021 had measurable BACs below the legal limit (between 0.01 and 0.07).
  • Motorcycle riders were more likely to be impaired than other road users involved in fatal crashes.
  • Riders between 35 and 44 had the highest number of alcohol-impaired motorcycle rider fatalities in 2021.
  • 43% of motorcycle riders killed in single-vehicle crashes in 2021 were alcohol-impaired.
  • Alcohol impairment was higher in nighttime motorcycle fatalities (42%) compared to daytime (16%).
  • In 2021, 52% of people killed in alcohol-related motorcycle accidents were wearing helmets, compared to 66% of sober riders.
Crash Type and Day of Week 2020 2021
Total Motorcycle Riders Killed Alcohol-Impaired Total Motorcycle Riders Killed Alcohol-Impaired
Number Percent Number Percent
Weekday 945 304 (32%) 968 377 (39%)
Weekend 1,175 506 (43%) 1,197 552 (46%)
Total* 2,124 812 (38%) 2,170 931 (43%)
Multiple-Vehicle Weekday 1,668 225 (13%) 1,953 325 (17%)
Weekend 1,405 325 (23%) 1,511 368 (24%)
Total* 3,075 550 (18%) 3,466 693 (20%)
Total Weekday 2,613 528 (20%) 2,921 701 (24%)
Weekend 2,580 831 (32%) 2,708 920 (34%)
Total* 5,199 1,362 (26%) 5,636 1,624 (29%)

Speeding and Fatal Motorcycle Accidents

The NHTSA also gathers data about motorcycle crashes involving speeding, including when riders were exceeding the speed limit, racing, or driving too fast for current conditions. These are some highlights from the data:

  • In 2021, 33% of motorcycle riders in fatal crashes were speeding — significantly higher than the percentage of passenger car, light truck, and large truck drivers.
  • Motorcycle riders aged 21 to 24 were more likely to be involved in speeding-related fatal crashes.
Speeding Involvement Total
Speeding Not Speeding
Age Group Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
<15 1 20% 4 80% 5 100%
15-20 127 43% 165 57% 292 100%
21-24 240 49% 248 51% 488 100%
25-29 333 46% 388 54% 721 100%
30-34 317 44% 406 56% 723 100%
35-39 226 38% 366 62% 592 100%
40-44 173 32% 361 68% 534 100%
45-49 174 32% 377 68% 551 100%
50-54 160 28% 421 72% 581 100%
55-59 122 22% 423 78% 545 100%
60-64 75 17% 367 83% 442 100%
65+ 77 13% 515 87% 592 100%
Total* 2,026 33% 4,054 67% 6,080 100%

Helmet Use and Effectiveness in Fatal Motorcycle Accidents

Helmets are effective at reducing fatalities in motorcycle accidents. That’s why many states, including California, have set safety standards regarding helmet use.

Here are some facts from the NHTSA:

  • Helmets saved the lives of 1,872 motorcyclists in 2017; an additional 749 lives could have been saved with universal helmet use.
  • Helmets are 37% effective in preventing rider fatalities and 41% effective in preventing fatalities in passengers.
  • All U.S. motorcycle helmets must meet FMVSS 218 standards.
  • 18 states, including California, have mandated helmet use for all motorcyclists as of 2021, with varying rates of compliance.
  • 29 states required helmets for specific subsets of riders, such as minors, while 3 states had no helmet laws.
  • In 2021, DOT-compliant helmet use was 64.9% nationwide, but it was significantly higher in states with universal helmet laws.
  • States with such laws had usage rates of 86.1%, compared to 53.4% in other states.
  • States without universal helmet laws had a higher proportion of unhelmeted fatalities (55% vs. 9%).

Recoverable Damages After a Motorcycle Accident

Victims of motorcycle accidents caused by negligent drivers can seek compensation for their losses, both monetary and nonmonetary.

Awards for such damages might include the following categories:

  • Medical Expenses: Hospital bills, surgeries, medications, and rehabilitation treatments.
  • Lost Income: Compensation for wages lost due to the inability to work during recovery, including future earning capacity if the injury is permanent.
  • Pain and Suffering: Physical pain, emotional distress, and mental anguish endured as a result of the accident and injuries sustained.
  • Property Damage: Reimbursement for repair or replacement of the motorcycle, riding gear, and other personal belongings damaged in the accident.
  • Wrongful Death: Compensation for surviving family members in the event of a fatal motorcycle accident, including funeral expenses and loss of financial support.

No amount of money can make up for a life-changing injury. However, a successful personal injury claim can empower you to protect your loved ones’ futures and rebuild your life.

Contact an Experienced Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Today

California motorcycle accident statistics serve as a sobering reminder of the importance of prioritizing safety on our roads. While the allure of riding a motorcycle along California’s scenic highways is undeniable, it comes with inherent risks that all riders must acknowledge and address.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a motorcycle accident, the experienced lawyers at Cohen & Marzban are always ready to help. Contact us today for a free consultation and let us advocate for the justice and compensation you deserve. Together, we can work toward safer roads and a brighter future for all motorcycle riders in California.

California Motorcycle Accident Statistics 2025
Bob M. Cohen
Attorney & Founder

Bob M. Cohen is the Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Better Business Bureau of Southern California and Silicon Valley and a practicing attorney at Cohen & Marzban Law Corporation.

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