We've Recovered Over 2 Billion Dollars!
These case studies are about more than dollar figures. They are about people who were effectively represented by a personal injury team unafraid to fight on their behalf against insurance companies and other big business interests. This is by no means a comprehensive list of our firm’s wins, nor does it show our biggest settlements.
Our client was driving on the freeway when an armored car went out of control and landed on him. The armored car company negligently entrusted the vehicle to the unskilled driver who caused the accident. Our client sustained brain damage.
Driver drove off a bridge.
Our client was in a post office located in a strip mall when a vehicle jumped the curb, went through the window, and injured his leg. The concrete parking stops were not properly aligned, and this allowed the car to jump the curb.
Our client lost both arms while feeding branches into a tree chipper. The manufacturer was responsible for the injury because it had failed to put a safety shut-off device on its machine.
Our client was a passenger in an auto that rolled over because its driver was intoxicated. The client was rendered paraplegic.
10 year old girl saw mother die when drugged out emergency room doctor hit their car.
Man slipped on a banana peel in supermarket causing ankle fracture and surgery.
Client burned at barbecue restaurant. Seating was too close to grill.
Client slipped on highly waxed floor in department store – fractured knee and surgery.
Our 65 year old client was not in crosswalk while crossing the street and was hit by a police officer.
Our client was injured when she was entering a department store and the wind blew the door shut on her. The store was responsible because the automatic closing device on the door was not correctly installed. Our client had back surgery for injuries suffered in the accident.
Car made left turn in front of motorcyclist.
Client fell off balcony of apartment building because the small railing was not to code.
A teenage girl was the passenger in a car that overturned. She suffered facial injuries and severe psychiatric trauma.
Fractured wrist at an assault in a bar.
A punch press malfunction caused our client to lose the use of his left hand. The design of the machine was found to be defective, making the manufacturer liable for the injury.
Passenger vs driver in an auto crash. Driver was driving on the wrong side of the street.
Drowning and no life preservers were present.
An employee driving a company car veered over the highway’s center line and crashed into our client’s vehicle. Our client sustained a concussion and brain damage resulting in memory loss.
Our client was in a car accident when the other driver ran a red light.
Uninsured motorist.
Dog not on a leash bit a child on the sidewalk.
Our client suffered a lower back injury when he became entangled in a defectively designed conveyor system that did not have an appropriate safety device.
Parked car on freeway lane without emergency flashers.
Child fell from ferris wheel and fractured leg & hand.
A six-year-old girl’s leg was fractured when her shoelace caught on a Tug’n Turn in a fast food restaurant playground. The restaurant was found responsible for her injuries because it failed to install a safety device on the ride.
Amputated little toe.
Trip on sidewalk from tree roots. Case against adjoining homeowner and city. Caused serious back injury.
Defective product – hip replacement to elderly man.
Drunk underinsured minor motorist caused neck injury / no surgery.
No warnings of step down- same color. Sprained Ankle.
Twisted foot but did not fall to ground when slip on highly waxed floor in department store.

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